Camp Guide for Bar-T Mountainside (2024)

Before Your First Day of Camp

We are looking forward to an awesome summer at camp! This page contains all of the important information that you need to know about attending Mountainside this summer.

Before campers arrive on their first day of camp, the following forms must be completed:

Important: Complete Your Camper Health Form

All campers need to have a health form on file before they arrive at camp for the first time. The good news: You can do it yourself (it doesn’t require a doctor’s signature)! Please head on over to your “My Profile” page on and fill it out today.

Complete Medication Forms (If applicable)

The following forms, if applicable, must be completed and submitted if your child requires prescription medication during the camp day:

Prescription medications (including EpiPens) must be sent in the original box with instructions from the doctor. We will collect medications directly from your car and keep/administer them in our First Aid/Nurse Station.

What to Bring to Camp

Here’s a quick checklist of what your camper must bring with them each day to camp:

Please Send Your Child to Camp In Their Bathing Suit

Please have your camper arrive to camp already dressed in their swimwear. This will help cut down on the time it takes to change in our private changing stations and will allow more time for camp fun. This will also help us in minimizing items that end up in our lost and found each week.

Clothing & Footwear

Our camp days are full of activities that will have your children coming home sweaty (and probably with an appropriate level of dirt!). To that end, Arts & Crafts activities often use paint and our campers have an uncanny ability to end up with as much paint on their clothes and body as on the art project. Please send your child in comfortable clothes that you’re not worried about messing up!

As for footwear, save the fancy shoes for school and send your child in closed-toe shoes that they can end up in the creek in. Our climbing wall and ropes course require closed-toe shoes, so this is a must! Campers can also bring a pair of flip flops to use when going to/from the pool, but it’s not necessary as they can’t run in flip flops and end up leaving them in the locker room anyway.

Bathing Suit, Towel, & Goggles

Campers swim during pool time twice a day and also engage in water play at the water gun fort, splash pad, and the occasional slip and slide. Please send your child with these items every day so they can enjoy all that camp has to offer.


Your camper needs to bring lunch with them every day. Upon arrival at camp, lunches will be placed in bins and stored in our camp refrigerator.

Note: Every day we offer campers both a snack and a popsicle. Campers have a choice for each and we only serve nut-free snacks.


If your child requires medication, please send the medication, along with the appropriate forms, with your camper. Prescription medications (including EpiPens) must be sent in the original box with instructions from the doctor. We will collect medications directly from your car and keep/administer them in our First Aid/Nurse Station.


A note about sunscreen: Please apply sunscreen before leaving the house in the morning. We will provide sunscreen throughout the camp day.

What NOT to Bring to Camp

Please do not bring: Cell phones, video games/consoles, computers, ipods/phones, other toys, jewelry, card collections, or sports equipment.

Camp Lost & Found

We will have a lost & found at our camp location. In an effort to make sure items may be easily found, please label all your camper’s belongings with their name. If you notice an item is missing, you can email us at and we will do our best to help track it down and return it to your camper.

Camp Arrivals, Departures, & Transportation

Whether you’re catching the bus to camp or dropping off your camper, here’s some important information that you need to know:

Bus Riders: Transportation Times

Click here to see when the bus will be picking up at your stop.

Own Transportation: Arrival & Departure at Bar-T Mountainside

Arrival/Morning Drop-Off Times:

  • Campers with last names that begin with A-L: 8:40 AM
  • Campers with last names that begin with M-Z: 8:50 AM

Departure/Afternoon Pick-Up Times:

  • Campers with last names that begin with A-L: 3:30 PM
  • Campers with last names that begin with M-Z: 3:40 PM

 The car rider line will be to the left once you pass the camp office. Please form two lines when arriving in the morning and afternoon. 

Arrival & Departure Procedures:

Upon arrival, a Bar-T representative will greet you. Your camper can exit the car and we will assist them in finding their group.

When picking up in the afternoon, please follow the same directions as in the morning and a Bar-T staff member will bring your child to you. On Monday afternoon, we will be distributing pieces of paper with the basic information about your camper that we need to expedite the arrival and departure process. Please keep this on your car’s dashboard when dropping off or picking up, as it will greatly speed up the process.

Arriving Late & Picking-Up Early

If you arrive at camp after 9:00am, please come check-in at the camp office and we will help your camper get situated. Similarly, if you need to pick-up your camper early, please come into the camp office and we will bring your camper to you.

Mountainside Camp Calendar

Families are invited to join us for our family orientation each year. This is an excellent time to see the camp, meet your child’s counselor, ask any questions you might have, and alleviate some of those pre-camp jitters your camper may have.

Our 2024 Summer Orientation Date will be Saturday, June 8th from 1:00pm – 3:00pm at Mountainside. 

Each day our team finds a way to ROCK OUT for their campers! Check out the fun weekly themes we have planned for summer 2024 by clicking here. Spirit days and dress-up dates will be sent to you in an email newsletter each Friday prior to the start of camp. 

Please Note: Camp Shirts will be distributed during the camper’s first week. If you have any questions about camp shirts, please email us at

Contact Mountainside

Tim France, Director

Morgan Fritz, Mountainside Office Administrator

2914 Roderick Road
Frederick, MD 21704

(301) 874-4657

Frequently Asked Questions

What group will my camper be in?

Campers are grouped by age. If you have any questions about which group your camper is in, please email us at

Which weeks am I signed up for?

Click here to go to your account profile and confirm your plans.

Questions about your account? Email us at

My camper is signed up for a specialty camp. Do we need to do anything different to prepare?

Campers enrolled in Harvest Camp, Creative Arts, Sports, STEM, & Adventure Camps will be in their own group. Unless notified otherwise, you do not need to send them with anything other than what has been outlined above.

How do the swim tests work?

Camper’s swimming ability will be evaluated on their first visit to the pool. If they are cleared to swim in the deeper areas, they will be given a green swim band, if they are not cleared, they will be given a red one. We are happy to reevaluate campers with a swim test upon their request.

Can I visit my camper during the camp day?

We will be allowing parents to visit again this summer as needed. Please reach out to our camp office if you would like to visit our camp and we will help you coordinate a time to do so.

What about lunch? Do you serve a snack?

Your camper needs to bring a lunch each day. Upon arrival, camper lunches will be refrigerated until it’s time for lunch.

Every day we offer campers both a snack and a popsicle. Campers have a choice for each and we only serve nut-free snacks.

How do you handle sunscreen?

We provide sunscreen for your child and apply it throughout the day. To make sure they are sufficiently covered, please send them with their first application of sunscreen already applied. If your camper requires prescription sunscreen, please send it with the Camper Medication Form and our on-site health technician will administer it.

What if it rains?

We are bound to encounter some rain at some point this Summer, but it will not stop us from having a great day! If it is raining, we will continue with most of our activities as planned.

In the event of severe storms, we utilize the upper barn and locker rooms as shelter. If you see rain in the forecast, please send your child with appropriate clothing as they will be outside all day.

What if there’s a heat advisory?

At Bar-T, safety is always our top priority, especially during extreme heat. On heat advisory days, we open with the following precautions in place:

  • Reduce or eliminate high-exertion activities.
  • Increase water play and provide frequent water breaks.
  • Keep campers in the shade or air-conditioned spaces as much as possible.
  • Closely monitor campers for signs of heat-related illness: Our staff is trained to watch for any signs of heat-related illness and will respond promptly if concerns arise.

We’ll continue to monitor weather alerts to ensure a safe and fun camp experience for everyone.

How and when will I be notified if my camper becomes either sick or injured at camp?

In the event that your camper is injured, and unable to immediately return to camp activities, or if you camper becomes ill during camp, a member of our camp leadership team or the camp health technician will notify you immediately by phone. 

Are there any animals on the property?

We have two friendly camp dogs that live at Mountainside; Gus and Rosy. While we’ll meet an occasional frog, these are the only animals that live here.

Can I bring my pet dog/cat/lizard/chupacabra to camp?

No. Campers and families are not permitted to bring any animals (with the exception of service animals) on Bar-T property. Even if you’re coming to drop-off or pick-up your child, we ask that your animals remain in the car.

What do you do if there is bullying or negative behavior?

We want each and every one of our campers to enjoy summer in an environment that is free of physical, emotional, and verbal harassment from others. Bar-T is a “No Bully Zone” and we will respond immediately to any incidents that involve these behaviors. Please let us know immediately if you or your camper has any questions or concerns about any of these issues.

What should my camper bring to camp?

Just in case you missed it up top…

Please send your camper with a bag lunch, bathing suit, towel, comfortable clothes, and closed toed shoes each day.

Some days we will have a theme day and give the campers and option to dress up with the theme. These days are always optional!

What should we NOT bring to camp?

There are many things that should not be brought to camp, especially anything valuable. Please do not bring any of the following items: cell phones, video games, computers, ipods, jewelry, card collections, or sports equipment. Obviously any weapons, alcohol, pets, or drugs are prohibited.

How can I get in touch with someone at camp?

Contact Bar-T Mountainside

…but I have a question that isn’t listed here! What do I do?

Please don’t hesitate to email us at if you need anything at all!